for updates, 'registry' and pictures

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Darlene's Wedding Photos

We'll, I finally signed up for one of those online photo sharing things. I chose the corporation because that is what a bunch of people seem to use and it looks like it works, not to much ads. And I guess it did. So, these photos were actually taken by my aunt, emailed to my mom then forwarded to me, then I posted them on the flickr website and now I'll give you the link so that you can look at them HERE.

I think I may also try and upload the pictures my dad gave me on a CD.

Frankly, I think pictures on the computer are a great idea because they are organised and you can share them. I don't have much use for pictures myself after I've looked at them once, it's a good thing to do, combine 2 wasteful consumer pursuits into one: computers + photos = new toy.

Tony's Blog of Our Wedding and PICTURES

Rusl & Jane's amazing all-star all-riding super-duper fab bike wedding
A Slideshow of Tony's Great Pictures>>>
Hi guys,

I've mentioned more than a couple of times about my bike-activist friends and their crazy-chopper bike contraptions.

Well, last weekend I attended a bike wedding for good friends of mine, Rusl and Jane. The invitees were what could only be described in this community of bike-freaks as an A-list of the who's who of Vancouver's cycling fraternity. As somewhat of an outsider in town, I felt honoured and touched to be have been invited to such an event, and now feel truly welcomed into this circle of amazing people.

...detailed wedding description story continues at: